Tyres - A Brief Introduction

When you see a Harley Davidson cruising on the highway, you can not help but admire the elegance of the machine and how it embraces and slides along. But at this point do not realize is that the component that helps the bike for a cruise along the way with such beauty is the motorcycle tire. Even fewer people are aware that the motorcycle tire is actually the result of Robert Thomson, who developed the world's first tire.

Robert was a Scottish engineer who has received a patent for this tire in France in 1846 and a year later in the United States (1847). The roof construction was very simple. It consisted of a hollow circular rubber belt of India, which was inflated with air. But Thomson did not persist with his invention and heart bit lost, perhaps because the rubber quality was not available at that time. Then looked solid rubber tires and allowed his invention to go to seed. The failure of John Boyd Dunlop Thomson gain was about 4 decades later reinvented the wheel of his bike. Motorcycle Tires today can trace their lineage to bicycle tire.

This basic design has undergone many changes and mutations in the last century. These facts have led to the modern tire. One of these developments is the radial tire. The first models of radial tires were patented in 1915 by Arthur W. Savage hit a tire manufacturer and inventor in San Diego, California. Savage patents expired in 1949. However, in 1946, Michelin developed this type of tire, and also made a commercial success of the same. This new design was an added bonus for a motorcycle while improving grip and traction when driving. The difference between radial tires and new tires earlier era in its construction. Previous tires had cross-layer structure, in which the child is woven through another. These tires are tough, but the sides were turgid and the tire could not bend easily, especially when negotiating corners or curves.

Michelin improved on this product and rubber son were woven radically and this problem has been solved a large existing. The bike had better control and therefore better traction when cornering and braking.
At that time, the concept was to have a tire tube, which is also of rubber instead of air and maintain the inflated tire. This design lasted until the beginning of the century (1920) to be exact. However, as technology advances inexorably toward the front of the inner tube rubber was laid in 1972 and patented Dunlop and down tube.

Was a revolutionary invention, even if the tubes are made and still sometimes used to increase the lifetime of pipes tire less.

Changing demands over the years, market forces and customer friendliness has had an effect on the development of bicycle tires and many new types are on the way. Pull cover the full range of high-speed racing, such as Formula One tires phones used heavy vehicles are as big as a house. We should note that the tire as part of motorcycle equipment has a relatively high price compared to other bicycle components. Therefore, it is important for motorcycle owners to see that they are buying the right size for the two wheels. The basic function of a tire is to give the driver and passenger on the bike a smoother ride. They should have a relative puncture resistance and more important to give good road holding which is so essential to the bike. One thing to note is that motorcycle tires are the most important ingredient of a motorcycle as they not only help move the machine forward, but are also essential for the safety of the motorcycle and driver accordingly.

Most tire manufacturers have become house hold names like Dunlop, Michelin, Pirelli and Bridgestone, etc
These are global business with manufacturing facilities in China, India, Europe and the United States. Some of the leading manufacturers of bicycle tires that have shaped the tire industry are worth a look.

For starters, Michelin, a field name in the tire industry. By 1889 there was established. Michelin has a global presence and under its expansion acquired the American BF Goodrich Company in 1988. Incidentally Goodrich also has its origins in 1870.To further supports its number one position also took over Uniroyal Inc. in 1990, a company founded in 1892, the United States Rubber Company. Michelin is the world's largest manufacturer of tires and can trace its history to1830 in vulcanized rubber.

However, instead of choosing to go to Dunlop. His factory was opened in Dublin in 1889. Dunlop Tires is a great variety and types of motorcycle tires for all vehicles. Dunlop also has a close relationship with motorsport including motorcycle racing. Dunlop tires are available worldwide. It is important to remember that Dunlop's legacy will live forever in "(inches)" as still used worldwide as a measure of the diameter of a wheel.

Breathing down the neck of the Dunlop tire manufacturer Bridgestone. This is a Japanese company and started manufacturing tires long before the advent of World War II

War-1931 to be precise. As Japan manufactures and markets some of the motorcycles worldwide renowned machines like Honda and Yamaha, of course, a large percentage of bicycle tires from Japan. The stone bridge name is derived from the Japanese word that translates Ishibashi stone bridge. Today is the second largest tire manufacturer in the world large worlds with Michelin. Bridgestone has a wide range of motorcycle tires and are found worldwide

The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company is another name that has a story behind it. It is over a hundred years ago, when it was founded by Harvey Firestone. Extending in the tire manufacture for motorcycles and are in a class by itself.